Upcoming Events & Projects
Where can I find out about what Julian is doing?
Please visit the news section of this site where we provide various links to recent reports and upcoming events.
Is Julian touring
Julian has no plans to tour at this point, but should things change, you’ll hear about it here first.
What is Julian’s favourite music?
He likes most kinds of music.
What type of guitar does Julian play?
In general, Julian prefers acoustic guitars and plays a J-55 Gibson (made between 1939 and 1943), a 12 string 995 Rosewood Taylor and also a CJ 32 Yamaha.
Does Julian have a favourite instrument to play?
Not really, he likes all instruments…
What instruments does Julian play?
He can play most instruments by ear. He doesn’t read or write music. Generally after he has written and/or recorded a song, he forgets how he wrote it, so, when playing ‘live’, he has to relearn every song and every instrument again, even the lyrics too!
How many studio albums has Julian released?
Six: Valotte [1984], The Secret Value Of Daydreaming [’86], Mr. Jordan [’89], Help Yourself [’91], Photograph Smile [’98] and Everything Changes [2013].
Has Julian appeared on other musicians’ albums?
To view Julian’s collaborations click here
Is Julian writing a new album?
No, and he won’t be for some time as he has to promote ‘Everything Changes’ in many countries over the next 6-12 months. Then, if you consider that he might tour, that could also take anywhere between 6-12 months, and as many of his fans already know, Julian certainly doesn’t like to rush his work…
Where can I buy previous albums?